Margining Agreement Gap Risk

Ever say to yourself "If only I could assemble a team of energy industry subject matter experts comprised of credit, contracting and legal professionals from different companies and firms to analyze the differences between the terms of standard credit support agreement forms commonly used to transact in a variety of energy commodities and derivatives, so that I could better understand and be more able to manage the legal risks associated with any potential inconsistencies resulting from the application of margining standards published by different trade groups to different parts of my company's trading portfolio (i.e., has anyone done a legal gap risk analysis of margining agreements used in energy)."? Ever said that? If you did, you might have then thought to yourself that it would be too cost prohibitive, and that you would never be able to get approval for such an undertaking. Worry not (even if you haven't said the foregoing to yourself)!  The International Energy Credit Association (IECA) has produced a valuable and informative table based on such an analysis, and they have made it available here--for free! 

In 2015, the IECA also did this with master trading agreements (to which the aforementioned margining agreements tend to relate), which is also available for free download here.

The 2 tables:

More information about the forms is available on the Industry Tools & Forms page.