A resolution to urge Congress to make freely available privately developed standards that are incorporated by reference into regulations was passed on Aug. 9, 2016, by the by the House of Delegates of the American Bar Association at its annual meeting following a lively debate (see video). With various pros & cons being laid out in the recorded debate, there is no need for me to add much opinion of my own to this. However, it is worth noting that those involved in energy trading generally can't help being involved in standards, including standard forms of trading agreements (e.g. those published by ISDA, EEI, NAESB, EFET, globalCOAL, etc.). I understand at least one of these publishers was following the resolution process via ANSI. Post Dodd-Frank, there have been numerous regulations put in place that impact trading. If the ABA resolution ever evolved into a bill before Congress, it would be interesting to see what standard forms of trading documentation some regulations may or may not pickup. Where trading documentation incorporates by reference other trading documentation and standards, granting free access might become less than simple, especially if only certain parts are to be made freely available.