Dodd-Frank recent contract provisions sampler.

More than 5 years after the passage of DF1, the law that changed [master trading agreements]2 [forever]3, a mix of published and non-published standard wordings have worked their way into templates for trading contracts. Some recent iterations can be found in the PDF embedded below which contains DF-related provisions excerpted from 3 ISDAs and 1 NAESB done in the past 12 months4. Some annotative references are included.

  1. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Pub. L. No. 111 -203, 124 Stat. 1376 (2010).
  2. Substitute with your applicable concern(s) here, as necessary.
  3. Substitute duration here based on your expectations for economic or election cycles, as applicable.

  4. Sourced from public regulatory filings ("transparency in the financial system" noted).

Note: you may wish to save the PDF to your desktop for more convenient viewing and access to links.
